What To Do with Books?

   Estonian Archives in the U.S., Inc. (EANC) receives many inquiries as to what to do with books? Extra books always appear during moves or when clearing out Grandma’s attic. As you know, Estonians are frugal folks and big on re-using. It would be especially heinous to simply toss written word into a dumpster.


EANC collects primarily archival materials of Estonian expatriate organizations but also of note-worthy persons.  For example documents, correspondence, manuscripts, diplomas and rewards etc. But also interesting artefacts like paintings, sculptures, medals, insignia, vinyl records, films, videos, handicrafts and folk costumes. EANC does have an extensive research library but it is wise to consult with the archivist and sending us the list of books you are considering to offer, to avoid a wasted trip with heavy boxes or costly mailing fees. For example, EANC is unable to accept English language books by non-Estonian authors (sorry, Stephen King and Danielle Steel) or Estonian translations of world literature that have nothing to do with Estonia or its culture.

In the past, EANC has organized book-drives, where locals can drop off books at our Lakewood facility and we have stored, sorted, packaged and shipped them off as donations to libraries in Estonia. Unfortunately, this is a very costly undertaking, the shipping charge alone is circa $4000. 00 USD, plus the packaging materials, and is simply not feasible to a non-profit organization staffed by a few dedicated volunteers.

If you do need a new home for books by Estonian authors in Estonian language, there are a few other institutions in North America that might be interested in those titles. Few of them can offer pre-paid shipping, so there is no out of pocket cost for you. Please contact them directly for more details and of course, have the list of the books ready.

Immigration History Research Center; University of Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hoover Institute & Stanford University; California

New York Public Library; New York, NY

Kent State University; Kent, Ohio

University of Wisconsin; Madison, Wisconsin

University of Washington; Seattle, Washington

Yale; New Haven, Connecticut

Indiana University; Bloomington, Indiana

VEMU; Toronto, Canada