All users have to sign the following agreement.

Application to Use Archival Materials at the Estonian Archives in the U.S., Inc.

The undersigned agrees to the terms and conditions below for the use of any and all materials which belong to or are in the possession of the stated Archives regardlessof location. Such materials are the property of or in the custody of the Archives and are made available only for the use of the designated signatory.

 The following must be observed:

  1. To preserve the materials, all users are required:
    1. Take all notes in pencil onto another piece of paper or directly onto a computer.
    2. The use of pens is prohibited.
    3. No damage or markings on the original material or to write on top of the materials by using another surface.
    4. Assure that documents rest on a table or flat surface; do not place anything on the Archival materials.
    5. Use the materials in the sequence provided and return in same manner.
    6. Exercise due care in the handling of fragile materials and using clean white cotton gloves if requested to do so.
  2. All users are to work with one container at the time.
  3. Specific permission, in writing, must be obtained prior to use of any Archive materials in public or in any manner of publication.
  4. The Archives shall be held harmless and free of any and all claims for said materials and their use.


I agree to follow the above terms and conditions.


Signature: ________________________________Date:__________________________


Print Name: __________________________Organization:________________________


Other Affiliation, if any:________________________________________________


____________________________________ E-mail: _________________________
