December 6, 2014

For the second year now, the EAUS took part in the Christmas Fair at the Estonian House of New York. The recently published “DP Chronicle” was a big hit. This is the English version of the famous “DP Kroonika” by the founder of the EAUS Ferdinand Kool.


Now finally the American family and friends of the Estonian DP-s can also read about the plight of Estonian war refugees and about their years in German DP camps and about their experience of arriving in the new world.


The Estonian House was crowded as always. “Kalev” chocolates and holiday themed handicrafts were flying off the shelves. Mouthwatering aroma of traditional blood sausages sizzling and sauerkraut simmering filled the restaurant. Old and new friends enjoyed chatting in the cozy bar.


The EAUS participates in the Christmas Fair not only to raise funds but to raise awareness about our existence. Since we are located in an out-of-the-way part of New Jersey and far away from NYC, we never get spur-of-the-moment foot traffic.

To purchase your copy of the ´´DP Chronichle”, please contact the book store in the Estonian House of NY:

The Nordic Press, Inc.

243 East 34th Street

New York, NY   10016


Phone: 212 686-3356

Fax: 212 698-2939

email: nordic_press at nyc dot rr dot comtalitus at vabaeestisona dot com